
Tammy Magnuson
2 min readMar 11, 2020


To fear or not to fear.. that is the question!

Photo by Alexandra Gorn on Unsplash

The fear of illness could be the cause of you getting ill!!
Stress is responsible for 90% of illnesses and it makes sense.
Stress inhibits your body’s ability to have a strong immune system.
Your body will run from a bear BEFORE healing your cold.
The subconscious determines what is most important and shuts down all other systems to respond quickly.

That is what fear does to our body.

An immune system that is shut down (so the body can respond to fear) will ONLY be more susceptible to illness.
The fear of illness could be killing you!! Stop fear through confusing the subconscious which prevents fear and keeps you in the present moment.

The body ONLY responds to our thoughts, so it CAN NOT feel stress and fear while laughing, hearing happy and fun things, or seeing things that make us feel great. Does that make sense?

So confuse the mind over and over until the fear is nada.
Fear is an emotion. It produces a body response. It shuts down the immune system to put all power to where it needs to be to save your life. If the fear is long lived… it is literally stopping you from being able to fight against sickness.

How to confuse your mind is the question then, right?

Notice the feeling of fear and how much it bothers you. 0 to 10. 0 would be not at all and 10 would be as bad as it gets. Then fake laugh — out loud -the deep belly motion laugh for 2 minutes. I know it seems crazy, but so does getting sick, right? Notice how different the fear is. How much does it bother you now? Is it still a feeling or something you saw or heard? Whatever it is that is bothering you, do the opposite. Heard bad news — give them a helium balloon and listen… then laugh! Saw something you didn’t like? Watch funny videos and laugh! Still feel that fear feeling? In your stomach, chest or throat? What does it feel like? Laugh!! Do this over and over until your fear is at a ZERO! Confusing the mind is not difficult. It may feel crazy, but it’s just bringing the feelings into the present instead of something you saw, heard or felt in the past.

Confuse your mind and it will let go of sensations that are shutting down your immune system.

The body responds to thoughts. Create happy thoughts!

It’s a fight you can WIN!!
5 day “Release Your Fear and LIVE” event coming soon.
There are secrets to fix fear and YOU CAN DO IT!

Want a private session with Tammy? Book here:



Tammy Magnuson

Stress coach to influencers: I know the secrets to your stress. No more hamster wheel spinning you out of control. Create your impact! Make a difference.